Breast Surgery Columbus Ohio

From breast augmentation to breast lifts, breast reductions and nipple reductions, we offer surgical options to help patients enhance their breasts to look and feel their best.



Why Choose Breast Surgery

Opting for breast surgery can be a transformative choice, aligning the external appearance with one's internal self-perception. This enhancement not only restores confidence but also elevates self-esteem, fostering a positive and empowered self-image. We approach every patient holistically, acknowledging their inherent beauty and assisting them in becoming the finest version of themselves.

Breast Surgeries


Haruko Okada, MD

Physician & Owner, Stratus Plastic Surgery

With a wealth of experience, Dr. Haruko Okada is a board-certified plastic surgeon and has conducted hundreds of breast surgeries under the mentorship of globally acclaimed plastic surgeons. Prioritizing patient safety, she customizes treatment plans to meet individual needs, ensuring safe, natural, and aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

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Breast Procedures

Breast augmentation

Consider breast augmentation to boost size, add volume during a lift, restore post-weight loss or pregnancy volume, and correct asymmetry when needed. Your path to enhanced confidence starts here.

Breast lift

Rediscover your youthful silhouette with a breast lift. Elevate and rejuvenate, addressing sagging and nipple direction, a common choice post-pregnancy. Reclaim confidence in your appearance.

Breast reduction

Heavy breasts can cause rashes under the folds, shoulder grooving due to bra straps digging in, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, and headaches. For women seeking relief from these symptoms, a breast reduction can be life changing.

Nipple reduction

Enhance your natural beauty with precision. Nipple & areola reduction by Dr. Okada refines size and projection for a balanced, confident look.


Considering the next step in your journey?

Complete this form or call our office to schedule your plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Okada today.