Breast Lift vs Breast Augmentation (Breast Implants) – What's the Difference?

Woman deciding between a Breast Lift or Breast Augmentation.jpg

Being confident in who you are and how you appear is essential to living your best life. Many women find that lifted and full breasts enhance their confidence, femininity, and overall self-esteem. However, most women's breasts fluctuate in size, shape, and position as they age and/or as a result of certain life experiences such as weight gain, weight loss, or pregnancy.

Fortunately, breast augmentation surgery with implants, breast lifts, and other related treatments often provide life-changing opportunities for women to restore or achieve their figure.

It's important to understand your many possibilities and we’ll talk more about breast augmentation or breast lift (mastopexy) procedures and discuss the differences between them.

Breast Augmentation

What is a breast augmentation? What are breast implants?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure in which a breast implant (typically a silicone or saline capsule) is used to enlarge the breasts. The implant is inserted through an incision placed in the crease under the breast. Depending on the look you want to achieve, many sizes and types of breast implants can be used to contour and enhance the breasts.

Who is a breast augmentation for?

If you feel that your breasts need more volume, you may benefit from breast augmentation. Many women feel that their breasts are out of proportion to their body, which is why they decide to have surgery.

It's also crucial to understand the hazards of breast augmentation. Here are some of them:

  • Wound healing complications

  • Changes in nipple sensation

  • Incorrect implant position

  • bigger/smaller breasts than expected

The vast majority of the time, surgery will go well in the hands of a well-trained, board-certified plastic surgeon and with proper following of instructions for both before and after surgery. For example, you should avoid drinking alcohol and smoking before and after surgery. One cigarette can make a tremendous difference in results, so make sure you're prepared to make these changes before proceeding.

Breast Lift Surgery

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift, also called a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon that involves raising the breasts and modifying their shape. During a breast lift, any excess skin and/or breast tissue is removed and the nipple can be resized and repositioned. A breast lift may be suitable for someone who has loose breasts or lowered nipples. If you are a good candidate for the procedure, it can help you gain confidence and self-esteem. It can also be combined with implant augmentation if there is more volume desired.

Who is a breast lift for?

For a variety of reasons, your breasts may change over time. In fact, they can sag with age, fluctuating weight, and pregnancy. Some women may also notice that one of their breasts curves downward compared to the other, making them good surgical candidates. We perform breast lifts to correct asymmetry as well.

The risks associated with this type of surgery are as follows:

  • Changes in nipple sensation

  • Scarring

  • Asymmetry

  • Difficulty breastfeeding (rare)

  • Partial or total loss of nipples (rare)

In general, many specialists advise that you wait until you have a baby before having a breast lift. This is due to the increased risk of breast sagging due to weight gain and pregnancy.

Is breast surgery right for you?

Now you must be wondering whether you are a good candidate for breast surgery. Actually, it depends on many things including your physical and mental health. A professional consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon can help you determine whether you are suitable for surgery.

If you think you might want to have breast surgery, you should be close to your target weight. Losing and gaining weight can have a significant impact on the appearance of your breasts, so if your weight fluctuates frequently, you may want to postpone surgery. Before surgery, it is advisable to maintain your current weight for at least a year.

Many experts advise women to postpone breast surgery until they have had children and are no longer breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the breasts may change during and after pregnancy, and the procedures may interfere with lactation. You don't want to have breast surgery before getting pregnant, just to fall into the same situation after giving birth. Since the procedure is an investment, it's best to wait until you're absolutely sure it's the right time to have the surgery, instead of requiring a second revision surgery.

How do you know which breast procedure is right for you?

Which procedure is best for you depends on how much you want to modify your breasts. If an improved shape and lifting of the breast tissue is what you desire, perhaps a breast lift may be right for you. However, implants will be needed if you want to increase the size of your breasts.

The only way to know for sure what surgery you should have is to meet with a plastic surgeon like Dr. Okada for a consultation. She will examine your anatomy and listen to your problems before recommending the best surgery for you.

You may want one or both surgeries but your anatomy will help Dr. Okada with the right recommendation for you. Remember:

  • A breast lift is for women with excess skin and whose breasts are sagging more than they like

  • A breast augmentation is for women who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts.

  • If your breasts are drooping and you want to change their size and shape, both a lift and augmentation procedure may be suitable for you.

A professional consultation is the only way to know for sure.

Why should you seek consultation from a plastic surgeon?

In case we haven't made it clear already, if you want to make the right decision, a thorough consultation with a professional is essential. You need to listen carefully and ask questions so that both of you are on the same page. It is also a good idea to consult with a few doctors so that you can choose the doctor of your choice. Of course, you should ask for suggestions, look at portfolios and read reviews, but in the end, you should trust your instincts. Feeling comfortable with your doctor who you are confident they are going to do a good job is very important.

Are you excited about the possibilities that breast augmentation or a breast lift can open to you? Contact Stratus Plastic Surgery in Columbus Ohio, today! Our comfortable, state-of-the-art clinic is inviting, our staff is friendly and understanding, and we offer a wide range of services of breast surgery procedures.


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